Present Simple

  • Things that are always true: The sun is hot.
  • Things that are generally true or true at the moment: She likes ice-cream (but maybe not ALL ice-cream ALL the time!).
  • How regularly we do things: I swim twice a week.
  • States (verb “to be” + adjective): I am happy.
Affirmative Structure

The general structure is: SUBJECT + INFINITIVE VERB + OBJECT

The verb “to be” is conjugated as usual.

Third person: We add S to the end of the verb, unless it ends with a Z, S, CH, SH or DGE sound, in which case we add ES and it is pronounced with an extra syllable.

E.g.: She likes running and It wants to come in, but He watches television and The cobra hisses when it is angry.

Negative Structure

We add don’t (or doesn’t in third person) before the main verb.

E.g.: He doesn’t like eggs. | I don’t want to go.

Question Structure

If there is no auxiliary verb, we add do or doesn’t. We invert the subject and auxiliary verb.

E.g.: He is happy > Is he happy? | You like melon > Do you like melon?

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